Day 33: Final Copy of "Uniformly Accelerated Motion: Measurement of g."

Today we continued to work on the Uniformly Accelerated Motion: Measurement of g manual entry. We finally finished the edits. A major change that we made in the procedure was laying the meter stick flat on the ground instead of holding it vertical to avoid confusion in the wording, or having to 3D print stands to hold the meter stick perfectly vertical. Initially, we avoided laying the meter stick horizontally thinking that there weren't enough spots in the classroom for 6 groups to carry out the experiment conveniently while making sure that the videos captured both: the horizontal meter stick and the ball falling next to it. However, after moving a few things out of the way, we figured out a way for 6 teams to do so.

After changing the procedures, we also replaced the diagrams with new ones having the meter stick laid down on the ground to avoid any confusions in execution. We're currently waiting on responses from physics professors to try out our experiment before submitting it to the administrators to review and approve the modifications to the current experimental manual. Below is the link to the new edition of the manual entry:


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