Day 24: Revised Lab Procedure and Future Project Brainstorming

The team brainstormed ideas for the next projects such as what to do for the friction track. We decided instead of revising the entire lab for calculating different coefficients of friction, we can make improvements on the current experiment and equipment used. For instance, the team will create new surface plates that will screw on to the existing platform. These new plates will act as an interchangeable and easily replaceable part, remedying the problem with the current platform where the surface was being damage over time thus creating a source of error in the experiment. Our proposed simple fix will save the college both time and money in the event that one of the platform surfaces needs to be replaced.

We also changed some formatting in the lab procedure such as moving icons to look much more aesthetic. We did this by playing around with the image text wrap format and changing it to wrap to text with 0'' margins. An example is shown below.

Figure 1: Revised Lab Procedure

While the icon reformatting is a small change, it does make a big difference in the overall appeal of the page (if there is any). Beforehand, some parts of the page had a large space above or below it due to the icons not fitting correctly. With the new fix, we managed to get evenly distributed line spacing.


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