Day 2: The experiment begins

Project Name: BCC G Project
Time: 1pm to 3 pm

Today, we started with the initial trials for the new free-fall experiment setting up the experiment apparatus and shooting the video through different cell phone cameras. First off, we collected a few items that can be dropped from a height slightly higher than 2 meters. We found a golf ball, a wooden ball and a small steel ball. In figure 1, you can see the slow motion video of the first trial taken using iPhone 7 with 720p and 240fps of the golf ball dropped from above the door height. Figure 2 shows the second trial taken using Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge with the same quality. We thought it was important to try taking the slow-motion video in different cell-phones because we were checking to see if it was feasible for students to take their own videos in class to perform the experiment. Now, we're going to try to use different apps and software such as PASCO that will allow the students to analyze the video and find measurements and other information for the calculations.

Iphone 7

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge

Following are the objects (balls) we used for the trials:

Blogged by Shivani Patel.


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