
Day 42: Presentation Day

Today, Shivani and I presented to our fellow stem members and faculty what we did since the last time we presented. This included the several changes/refinement done to the lab procedure which were influenced heavily by the focus groups. We also talked about the future for the project since we are close to finalizing the lab itself as well as starting the research paper for it. Our presentation and presentations done by other groups can be found on YouTube on the Bergen Community College STEM Student Union. 

Day 41: Preparing for Presentation and Poster

The team finalized the power-point that will be presented tomorrow (2nd of August); this power-point presentation is for an update to the project for summer II. Next week, a symposium will be held at the technology building where the team will present the overall project such as the reason why we started this project and how we went about doing so. Further detail will be given later on in the week and from next week. On another note, we received email confirmation that Dr. Epstein's colleagues at Fairleigh Dickinson University will be using a version of our lab for their fall semester physics courses.

Day 40: Analyzing Conservation of Momentum videos

At 1 pm, the team attended the 3SP meeting today. After returning to the office an hour later, the team began to analyze the videos for the Conservation of Linear Momentum experiment recorded last Monday, July 23rd. Since the free software trial expired on both member's personal computer, they set up the software on mentor Dr. Epstein's office computer. They were able to analyze one of the slow-motion videos of the colliding gliders. It was confirmed that using the software is indeed a better way to produce the expected results. As claimed, the initial velocity of glider 1 was approximately equivalent to the final velocity of glider 2 after the collision:    Pᵢ = P f         (initial momentum = final momentum) ∴   m v ᵢ = m v f   ∴ v ᵢ =  v f          (when masses of both the gliders are equivalent) Meanwhile, progress is being made on the presentation for 3SP meeting on Thursday. It is almost done,...

Day 39: More Work on the Presentation

Today, the group continued to work on the presentation for this Thursday; we added photos taken from Summer II including a photo with Dr. Sivo and Dr. Martin doing the experiment. We also established the order of who's presenting and which slides they must do. Figure 1: Sneak Peak of PowerPoint Later this week, we will start analyzing the linear momentum videos. However, we will prioritize finishing the presentation first. 

Day 38: Work on Presentation

After the presentations, we got back to work on our presentation and made the corrections to the manual based on yesterday's trial with Professors Sivo and Marton.

Day 37: g Experiment: PHY Professors try

Professors Sivo and Marton carried out the g experiment successfully.  It took the whole 2 hours, partially due to slowdowns emailing the data from the cellphone to the computer.  They also pointed out some improvements we are making to the manual.  They are very excited about implementing the lab with actual classes.

Day 36: Working on the Presentation and Poster

Today, the team started working on the presentation and poster. This includes creating an outline on what we have to talk about. A rough outline is listed below: Introduction  Recap Changes in the procedures and equipment What we need to do next Introduction of the future projects From there, the team started to design the power-point presentation. We are using the previous presentation done on Summer I as reference material to keep the design consistent. A preview is shown below: Figure 1: Presentation Preview For the poster, we ideally want to include a photo of the old experiment and our new experiment to showcase the differences between them. An estimated cost comparison between old and new experiments (such as equipment used) should also be implemented in the poster design.